The strategy of the Baha’ism organization is to destroy the religious identity  

Friday, 14 April 2017 10:40 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size




 The first message of Bab’s event in Badasht announced by Tahereh was abolishing of Islam. The first claim by Hussein Ali Nouri that is he in whom God will manifest was abolishing of Islam.

     However, the question is that: why did they try to abolish Islam not to abolish Judaism, Christianity and other religions?

     By a glance at the history it will be obvious that the emergence of Babism and Baha’ism events in Shiite community and also Wahhabism in Sunni one, there will exist a direct relationship between the then superpowers –Russia and England- and Babism and Baha’ism. They wanted to plunder the Middle East resources. Their main obstacles were Shiites and Sunnis. The following is Seyyed Kazem Mousawi’s statement regarding the cults.

     Pointing out the issue that Baha’ism is a deviating cult whose aim is to abolish Islam and to destroy it, Seyyed Kazem Mousawi –the expert of the contemporary history- said: The Baha’ism organization is going to destroy two Shiite beliefs: First Imam Hussein’s (P.H.) Ashoura which has brought about resistance, devotion, brevity and loyalty and second, Mahdism issue which is the Shiite hope. These two Shiite beliefs which has saved Islam.

     Baha’ism has tried to destroy these two national and religious beliefs seriously since Constitutional period of time. After Qajar dynasty fell, the Baha’ism organization established by the Colonialism.

     Regarding Imam Khomeyni’s role in combatting against Baha’ism, Mousawi said: Late Excellency Imam Khomeyni (P.H.) had figured out the issues deeply. After Eyalati and Welayati bill was posed Imam Khomeyni (P.H.) considered Baha’ism as a secret event and combatted it indirectly, after Mordad, 28 coup, Baha’ism played an active role in establishing SAWAK. It can be realized that the chairman of SAWAK was Baha’i. The security official of SAWAK was Baha’i. Those who tortured were Baha’is, too. For instance, Arash who was a professional torturer.

     Regarding this issue that Baha’ism was removed from the political scene of Iran after the victory of the Islamic Revolution, Seyyed Kazem Mousawi said: “31 days after the victory of the Islamic Revolution, the first human rights case was made by the Baha’ism organization against the Islamic republic of Iran; because it believe that just the Islamic Republic of Iran has restricted them, and hasn’t recognized them as a creed. The western social sciences thinkers consider it as a cult, though. After the victory of the Islamic republic of Iran, Baha’ism turned and sought asylum to the American embassy and America supported them. Late Imam Khomeyni (P.H.) stated: “Now when you are supporting Baha’ism, we are sure that Baha’ism is your spy.”

     Baha’ism has insulted the religious Islamic beliefs several times; for instance, during 1388 elections, Baha’is have made the holy Quran fire two times. Once, in Lowla Gar mosque and second during Ashoura. They tore Imam Hussein’s (P.H.) flag in the day of Ashoura and insulted the mourners. They had been ordered by the UHJ.

     The Muslim Iranian people stood against them on Day, 9, 1388 and the supreme leader appreciated them.



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